2022-2023 Sam Houston State University - College of Osteopathic Medicine (SHSU-COM)

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The Real PG
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May 10, 2012
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Thanks @FarmHand for sharing this year's prompts!

2022-2023 SHSU-COM Secondary Essay Prompts: (Same wording and character limit as last year)

1. What do you like or dislike most about the area you are from (your hometown or where you graduated high school)? (800 characters)

2. Describe a moment when you failed to accomplish a task or let yourself down. How did this experience change you?
(800 characters)

3. What do you consider the most important thing you have done to date? (500 characters)

4. What do you consider the role of physicians in medically underserved Texas communities? (800 characters)

5. Sam Houston State University's Motto is "The Measure of a Life is its Service." What does this mean to you and how do you embody this idea? (800 characters)

6. As a DO physician, how would you plan to incorporate the tenets of osteopathic medicine into your future practice? (800 characters)

7. Are you a Texas resident? Yes or No

8. Please share anything you would like to mention to the SHSU-COM Admissions Committee about yourself to strengthen your application.(500 characters)

Good luck to everyone applying!

Interview feedback:

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Below are the prompts

What do you like or dislike most about the area you are from (your hometown or where you graduated high school)? (800 characters)

Describe a moment when you failed to accomplish a task or let yourself down. How did this experience change you?
(800 characters)

What do you consider the most important thing you have done to date? (500 characters)

What do you consider the role of physicians in medically underserved Texas communities? (800 characters)

Sam Houston State University's Motto is "The Measure of a Life is its Service." What does this mean to you and how do you embody this idea? (800 characters)

As a DO physician, how would you plan to incorporate the tenets of osteopathic medicine into your future practice? (800 characters)

Are you a texas resident? Yes or No

Please share anything you would like to mention to the SHSU-COM Admissions Committee about yourself to strengthen your application.(500 characters)
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What are the average GPA and MCAT score for Sam Houston? I know it has changed recently with covid
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something to note, SHSU requires casper, duet, AND Snapshot
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Does SHSU still review applications before casper, duet, and snapshot are received?
I am somewhat confused about what is required by SHSU with regards to Altus Suite. The secondary application status page only indicates whether or not they have received your Caper score and your Duet score. It doesn't even mention Snapshot at all. However, their website indicates that they do require Snapshot. I suppose I should complete Snapshot just to be safe?
I am somewhat confused about what is required by SHSU with regards to Altus Suite. The secondary application status page only indicates whether or not they have received your Caper score and your Duet score. It doesn't even mention Snapshot at all. However, their website indicates that they do require Snapshot. I suppose I should complete Snapshot just to be safe?
Yes you should complete it just to be safe. It's not to hard imo and takes no more than an hour.
I am somewhat confused about what is required by SHSU with regards to Altus Suite. The secondary application status page only indicates whether or not they have received your Caper score and your Duet score. It doesn't even mention Snapshot at all. However, their website indicates that they do require Snapshot. I suppose I should complete Snapshot just to be safe?
SHSU is the only TX school that asks for all 3 components
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Interview Invite received today
Question for those who got an II, when were u guys complete?
I withdrew from this school but I was complete on 5/16, transmitted on 5/18, and completed the secondary on 6/16

If you withdraw your app, will the other schools be aware of this? @wysdoc do you happen to know? I know it has been considered important to apply to all TMDSAS schools in the past because supposedly McGovern might view those not applying to all schools unfavorably. Does withdrawing your app prior to submitting a secondary alert other schools?
If you withdraw your app, will the other schools be aware of this? @wysdoc do you happen to know? I know it has been considered important to apply to all TMDSAS schools in the past because supposedly McGovern might view those not applying to all schools unfavorably. Does withdrawing your app prior to submitting a secondary alert other schools?
Nah, they won't know. Also @wysdoc yeehaw
If you withdraw your app, will the other schools be aware of this? @wysdoc do you happen to know? I know it has been considered important to apply to all TMDSAS schools in the past because supposedly McGovern might view those not applying to all schools unfavorably. Does withdrawing your app prior to submitting a secondary alert other schools?
Apply to the schools you want and which you would attend if accepted. Most applicants apply to all and some applicants self- screen (by this I mean they might not think they are competitive for Baylor/UTSW and won’t include those, for instance)
Apply to the schools you want and which you would attend if accepted. Most applicants apply to all and some applicants self- screen (by this I mean they might not think they are competitive for Baylor/UTSW and won’t include those, for instance)

I've submitted my primary and it's been transmitted to all schools, but I'm wondering if there's any downside to withdrawing before submitting a secondary. Sam Houston called me today requesting I withdraw if I'm not able to submit the secondary. I just don't want McGovern finding out I withdrew from any schools and holding that against me.
I've submitted my primary and it's been transmitted to all schools, but I'm wondering if there's any downside to withdrawing before submitting a secondary. Sam Houston called me today requesting I withdraw if I'm not able to submit the secondary. I just don't want McGovern finding out I withdrew from any schools and holding that against me.
That's interesting, @skeptastic, I didn't know SHSU contacted people like this but it might be a new thing they are doing this year.
SHSU is the only TX school that asks for all 3 parts of the Altus suite and I think a lot of applicants don't really want to do the Snapshot component. They probably want to start picking people for interviews and want to see the complete application & supplements.

Other schools won't see your actions at this point in the cycle. Have you done the secondary but just not the Snapshot?
Make the decision you feel comfortable with.
That's interesting, @skeptastic, I didn't know SHSU contacted people like this but it might be a new thing they are doing this year.
SHSU is the only TX school that asks for all 3 parts of the Altus suite and I think a lot of applicants don't really want to do the Snapshot component. They probably want to start picking people for interviews and want to see the complete application & supplements.

Other schools won't see your actions at this point in the cycle. Have you done the secondary but just not the Snapshot?
Make the decision you feel comfortable with.

I haven't done the secondary. I just wasn't sure if schools would see the withdrawal (particularly McGovern), or if they can only tell if you didn't send your primary app to a given school. The call caught me off guard. It was a Conroe number and I thought it might be Tyler, though I had no idea why they'd call haha.
I recently received a II, but only see one date available. Does anyone know if more dates will open and if so when?
If you can attend that date, say yes.
If you have a schedule conflict, tell them you can’t make it that day and ask for an alternate date.
Schools want to fill up their early dates before opening dates farther in the future.
Schools are usually willing to only let you switch a date once - so be sure about the alternate date you choose!
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II received on 7/20

4.0, 521, complete 7/9
FYI here are all the interview dates for this cycle. Interview day was quite relaxed.

July 22
August 19
September 9
September 30
October 14
October 21
November 4
December 2
January 20
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FYI here are all the interview dates for this cycle. Interview day was quite relaxed.

July 22
August 19
September 9
September 30
October 14
October 21
November 4
December 2
January 20
Can I PM you some questions about the interview? Interviewing on Aug 19th!
Interviewed here last week and loved it! Does anyone here know how many acceptances SHSU plans to give out? I know the class size is going to be 150... it looks like there's 9 interview days and at my interview there was ~50-60 applicants, so I'm guessing they may interview ~500?
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Is Snapshot still required? I only completed Casper + Duet and have a "Your admissions file is complete and being reviewed." status in the portal
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Is Snapshot still required? I only completed Casper + Duet and have a "Your admissions file is complete and being reviewed." status in the portal
Here's what the TMDSAS guide says about SHSU:

Sam Houston State University College of Osteopathic Medicine​

  • All applicants applying to Sam Houston State University’s College of Osteopathic Medicine (SHSU-COM) should complete all the Altus Suite assessments (CASPer, Snapshot, and Duet). CASPer, Snapshot, and Duet are mandatory in order to move forward in the admissions process.
What "moving forward" means is open to interpretation, but it looks like they will read your application before all 3 components are finished, they may need the Snapshot by the time they a) invite you for an interview, or b) make an offer of admission
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Is Snapshot still required? I only completed Casper + Duet and have a "Your admissions file is complete and being reviewed." status in the portal
Although it's not in the portal, they specifically contacted me to say they still needed my Snapshot. Seemed to be the only thing holding up my application; shortly after I completed it, they offered me an II.
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Although it's not in the portal, they specifically contacted me to say they still needed my Snapshot. Seemed to be the only thing holding up my application; shortly after I completed it, they offered me an II.
Do you recall how long it took for Snapshot to transfer to the school?
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